Frequently Asked Questions.


Can I Purchase The Casket Or Hire Hearse Only?

Our services are flexible, you can purchase what you require only.

What Is A Prepayment Plan?

Allows one to accumulate and preserve funds for the unceremonious nature of funerals. Through the savings, one is thus able to pre-purchase a funeral service or partial services like caskets, hearse hire or mourners transport.

Why Prepayment Plan?

  • No age limit.
  • It can be fully paid up and await a claim
  • It is flexible in that it can bury anyone
  • Does not lapse.
  • Gives one an opportunity to have return of contributed funds plus interest
  • No restrictions as to who can be covered
  • No waiting period
  • No medical history required
  • One can have cash payouts which can be used for other purposes or to source services somewhere else.
  • You enjoy what the fund has accumulated

When Do I Start Benefiting?

As soon as there are accumulations in the fund.

What Are Your Operating Hours?

We are open 24/7.

Who Is Eligible To Join?

Individuals, corporates, groups, and burial societies.

If I Leave Employment ,Will I Be Able To Continue On Funeral Services?

Yes, members can migrate from the corporate to individual.

Do You Have Prepayment Plan?

Prepayment plan allows one to pre-purchase a service be it a casket / hearse or the full service.

If I Am In The Diaspora Can I Sign In?

Anyone can join and electronic forms will be provided.

Contact our FFS team today to find out how we can help you.


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