About FFS

Fidelity funeral Services is a subsidiary of Fidelity Life Assurance which is part of the ZHL group. We have an unsoiled track record since our birth, which makes us a committed and mature Funeral Service Company identified with guaranteed, meticulous service delivery.  
Ensure the perfect send off for your loved one.

Why Choose Us

open 24/7, 365 days of the year

We are always available through out the year to help you get through those unexpected events.


We offer credit assistance, for those who are unable to meet the once off burial cost.


FFS provides reliable, trustworthy and compassionate professionals to provide expert counselling for the bereaved.


As a caring funeral services provider we give flexible payment terms, offering extra comfort to our clients in their time of need.


See the payment options available to pay your contributions.

Buy a Casket
See our collection of available caskets and make an order online.
Explore Services

Explore our various funeral services and get value for your money.

© 2023 Fidelity Funeral Services. All rights reserved.